Annual Conference of the Bank of Albania - Monetary Policy, Economic Integration and the ''New Normal”
Publication date: 15.01.2019
The Bank of Albania co-organises with the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) the annual conference: “Monetary Policy, Economic Integration and the “New Normal””, on 1 November 2018.
This conference is organised under the auspices of the Governor of the Bank of Albania, Mr Gent Sejko, and was attended by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania, H.E. Mr. Edi Rama, the Minister of Finance and Economy, Mr Arben Ahmetaj, Government ministers and members of the Albanian Parliament. The conference was also attended by governors, deputy governors, and high-level representatives and management boards from other central banks, Ambassadors in Albania, representatives from international financial institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, representatives from the academia, the banking and financial system, the media, and staff members of the Bank of Albania.
This conference is organised in the framework of the Co-operation Agreement between the Bank of Albania and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).
Welcome and opening addresses
- Governor Sejko: Welcome address at the Annual Conference of the Bank of Albania, 1 November 2018
- Greeting speech by H.E.Mr. Edi Rama, Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania
Greeting speech by Arben AHMETAJ, Minister of Finance and Economy
Welcome address by Erik Berglof, Director, LSE Institute of Global Affairs
Presentations according to the agenda
FIRST SESSION - The “new normal” of monetary policy
- Rethinking inflation targeting: some lessons from Israel - Leonardo LEIDERMAN, Professor, Berglas School of Economics, University of Tel Aviv
- Monetary policy in a low interest rate world - Dimitris MALLIAROPULOS, Chief Economist and Director of Economic Analysis and Research, Bank of Greece
- In & out of QE - A Mirage of central banks? - Mario I. BLEJER, Former Governor of the Central Bank of Argentina and LSE Visiting Professor
Will there be a “new normal” in monetary policy any time soon? - Marko ŠKREB, Former Governor of the Croatian National Bank and Centralbanking Consultant
SECOND SESSION: - Financial globalisation and the evolution of global and regional cooperation arrangements
- The end of the global financial safety net? - Charles WYPLOSZ, Professor of Economics, The Graduate Institute, Geneva
- Making the system function as a system – global financial governance reform in the Trump era - Erik BERGLOF, Director, LSE Institute of Global Affairs
- How a small, open economy (like Poland) can pursue an independent monetary policy - Marek BELKA, Former President of the National Bank of Poland and LSE Visiting Professor
- Cross-border banking and monetary policy spillovers: implications for Emerging Europe - Előd TAKÁTS, Senior Economist, BIS and LSE Visiting Fellow
- The European Union: the core and the geographic periphery - Charles ENOCH, Director, Political Economy of Financial Markets (PEFM), St Antony's College, University of Oxford
- The credibility of banks: balance sheets, governance and law - Lars NYBERG, Former Deputy Governor of Sveriges Riksbank
- Ukraine on its way to EU - risks and opportunities for small open economy - Valeria GONTAREVA, Former Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine and Senior Policy Fellow, IGA - LSE
THIRD SESSION: - Financial innovation and implications for monetary policy and financial resilience
- The King Kong Mistake and how to avoid it: improving the regulatory response to the 2008 GFC - Kevin JAMES, Co-Investigator, Systemic Risk Centre, LSE
- Financial innovations, indebtedness and coordination of monetary and macroprudential policies - Jan FRAIT, Executive Director, Financial Stability Department, Czech National Bank
- Fintech and banking: implications for business models and regulation - Emidio COCOZZA, Deputy Head of the International Technical Cooperation and EU Neighbouring Economies Division, Bank of Italy
- The Bali Fintech Agenda, and what it could mean for Albania - Jan Kees MARTIJN, IMF Chief Mission for Albania
- Financial innovation: relevance, drivers and implications for Macedonian economy - Emilija NACEVSKA, Vice Governor, National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia
- Crypto-instruments, classification and financial regulation - Ousmène Jacques MANDENG, LSE Visiting Fellow
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