The 13th SEE Economic Research Workshop

Publication date: 04.12.2019


On 5-6 December 2019, the Bank of Albania will organize the 13th SEE Economic Research Workshop. For the past 13 years, this Workshop has served as a discussion forum on the latest research on economic and financial issues and promoted the exchange of views among researchers from the Bank of Albania, other central bankers, academia, and researchers and policy-makers in the region and beyond.

This year’s workshop will focus on the developments of the external sector and financial stability, as well as on their implications for central banks and the economy. In line with our tradition, it is open to multidisciplinary research and will present theoretical and empirical contributions on issues related to central banking.

The Bank of Albania has the pleasure of inviting interested parties to attend the Workshop on 5-6 December 2019 at the Bank of Albania premises. You may confirm your attendance at [email protected]

For more information, see the programme of the Conference.