Payment Instruments as Perceived by Albanian Consumers - ''Probit model'' Estimations on a Public Survey

Author: Alban Pllaha, Kliti Ceca, Valentina Semi
Printed on: 27.12.2016
Production date: 27.12.2016
Material category : Not Periodic Publications / Working Papers
This material aims to identify whether or not consumers’ socio – demographics characteristics such as: education, family size, age, gender, employment status and income, play a role on payment choice behavior for the Albanian consumers. Using a binary choice model (Probit model) this study utilizes micro data drawn from the public survey carried out by Bank of Albania (March – April 2012) on the usage of payment instruments by Albanian consumers. Among other things, Probit model results suggest that socio-demographic characteristics such as education, income level and employment status do influence consumers’ habits in using specific payment instruments at different POS situations.