Statistics' Calendar 2024

Exchange rate statistics

31 January 2024
Exchange rate statistics - January 2024
29 February 2024
Exchange rate statistics - February 2024
29 March 2024
Exchange rate statistics - March 2024
30 April 2024
Exchange rate statistics - April 2024
31 May 2024
Exchange rate statistics - May 2024
28 June 2024
Exchange rate statistics - June 2024
31 July 2024
Exchange rate statistics - July 2024
30 August 2024
Exchange rate statistics - August 2024
30 September 2024
Exchange rate statistics - September 2024
31 October 2024
Exchange rate statistics - October 2024
27 November 2024
Exchange rate statistics - November 2024
31 December 2024
Exchange rate statistics - December 2024

International reserves statistics

31 January 2024
International reserves statistics - December 2023
29 February 2024
International reserves statistics - January 2024
29 March 2024
International reserves statistics - February 2024
30 April 2024
International reserves statistics - March 2024
31 May 2024
International reserves statistics - April 2024
28 June 2024
International reserves statistics - May 2024
31 July 2024
International reserves statistics - June 2024
30 August 2024
International reserves statistics - July 2024
30 September 2024
International reserves statistics - August 2024
31 October 2024
International reserves statistics - September 2024
27 November 2024
International reserves statistics - October 2024
31 December 2024
International reserves statistics - November 2024

Payment system statistics

10 January 2024
Monthly payment system statistics - November 2023
26 February 2024
Annually payment system statistics - December 2023
Monthly payment system statistics- December 2023
Quarterly payment system statistics - Q VI 2023
11 March 2024
Monthly payment system statistics- January 2024
11 April 2024
Monthly payment system statistics - February 2024
27 May 2024
Monthly payment system statistics - March 2024
Quarterly payment system statistics - Q I 2024
10 June 2024
Monthly payment system statistics - April 2024
10 July 2024
Monthly payment system statistics- May 2024
26 August 2024
Monthly payment system statistics -June 2024
Quarterly payment system statistics – Q II 2024
10 September 2024
Monthly payment system statistics - July 2024
10 October 2024
Monthly payment system statistics - August 2024
25 November 2024
Monthly payment system statistics - September 2024
Quarterly payment system statistics – Q III 2024
10 December 2024
Monthly payment system statistics - October 2024

Depository corporations statistics

05 February 2024
Bank of Albania’s sectorial balance sheet and monetary survey – December 2023
Depository corporations’ statistics – December 2023
Deposits and loans by districts – Q IV 2023
15 February 2024
Bank of Albania’s sectorial balance sheet and monetary survey - January 2024
28 February 2024
Depository corporations’ statistics – January 2023
Sectorial balance sheet of savings and loans associations – Q IV 2023
15 March 2024
Bank of Albania’s sectorial balance sheet and monetary survey – February 2024
28 March 2024
Depository corporations’ statistics – February 2024
15 April 2024
Bank of Albania’s sectorial balance sheet and monetary survey- March 2024
29 April 2024
Depository corporations’ statistics – March 2024
Deposits and loans by districts – Q I 2024
15 May 2024
Bank of Albania’s sectorial balance sheet and monetary survey– April 2024
30 May 2024
Depository corporations’ statistics – April 2024
Sectorial balance sheet of savings and loans associations – Q I 2024
14 June 2024
Bank of Albania’s sectorial balance sheet and monetary survey - May 2024
27 June 2024
Depository corporations’ statistics – May 2024
15 July 2024
Bank of Albania’s sectorial balance sheet and monetary survey– June 2024
30 July 2024
Depository corporations’ statistics – June 2024
Deposits and loans by districts – Q II 2024
15 August 2024
Bank of Albania’s sectorial balance sheet and monetary survey – July 2024
29 August 2024
Depository corporations’ statistics – July 2024
Sectorial balance sheet of savings and loans associations – Q II 2024
16 September 2024
Bank of Albania’s sectorial balance sheet and monetary survey – August 2024
27 September 2024
Depository corporations’ statistics – August 2024
15 October 2024
Bank of Albania’s sectorial balance sheet and monetary survey – September 2024
30 October 2024
Depository corporations’ statistics – September 2024
Deposits and loans by districts – Q III 2024
15 November 2024
Bank of Albania’s sectorial balance sheet and monetary survey – October 2024
26 November 2024
Depository corporations’ statistics – October 2024
Sectorial balance sheet of savings and loans associations – Q III 2024
16 December 2024
Bank of Albania’s sectorial balance sheet and monetary survey – November 2024
30 December 2024
Depository corporations’ statistics – November 2024

Other financial corporations statistics

28 March 2024
Other financial corporations statistics – Q IV 2023
27 June 2024
Other financial corporations statistics – Q I 2024
27 September 2024
Other financial corporations statistics – QII 2024
30 December 2024
Other financial corporations statistics – Q III 2024

Banking statistics

10 January 2024
Financial soundness indicators - November 2023
09 February 2024
Financial soundness indicators - December 2023
Financial statements banking data - Q IV 2023
11 March 2024
Financial soundness indicators - January 2024
09 April 2024
Financial soundness indicators - February 2024
10 May 2024
Financial soundness indicators - March 2024
Financial statements banking data – Q I 2024
10 June 2024
Financial soundness indicators - April 2024
10 July 2024
Financial soundness indicators - May 2024
09 August 2024
Financial soundness indicators - June 2024
Financial statements banking data – Q II 2024
10 September 2024
Financial soundness indicators - July 2024
10 October 2024
Financial soundness indicators - August 2024
11 November 2024
Financial soundness indicators - September 2024
Financial statements banking data – Q III 2024
10 December 2024
Financial soundness indicators - October 2024

External sector statistics

25 March 2024
Balance of payments and gross external debt – Q IV 2023
External sector statistics (IIP, DI) – Q IV 2023
10 June 2024
Balance of payments and gross external debt – Q I 2024
25 June 2024
External sector statistics (IIP, DI) – Q I 2024
10 September 2024
Balance of payments and gross external debt – Q II 2024
25 September 2024
External sector statistics (IIP, DI) –Q II 2024
31 October 2024
International Trade in Services - Year 2023
10 December 2024
Balance of payments and gross external debt – Q III 2024
26 December 2024
External sector statistics (IIP, DI) – Q III 2024

Financial accounts statistics by sectors

30 September 2024
Financial accounts statistics by sectors - Year 2023