Working for the Bank of Albania

The employees of the Bank of Albania are selected through a public and competitive process, based on the professional merit and skills, opened to Albanian citizens that comply with the qualification criteria. The career at the Bank of Albania advances based on the skills and competences identified through an appraisal process. In the day to day duties, among others, the personnel of the Bank complies and conforms with principles set out in the Code of Conduct and the best European practices for public employees. This section provides information on vacancies, in line with the regulatory framework of the Bank, and the right to public information and transparency.


As one of the most influential institutions in Albania, the Bank of Albania offers a unique opportunity for professional development in various aspects of its activity.

The Bank provides a place to build technical capacities, improve and perfect team work skills and address highly professional issues. Its employees are able to use techniques and methodologies based on rigorous analysis and professional discussions, in line with best practices applied by European central banks.

For vacancies at the Bank of Albania, please visit our webpage and the national press frequently. 

Administrative Regulations


Department Position Published on Valid till More
Departamenti i Teknologjise se Informacionit Specialist 22.01.2025 05.02.2025 Details
Kabineti i Guvernatorit Specialist 22.01.2025 05.02.2025 Details
Departamenti i Administrimit Pastrues 16.01.2025 30.01.2025 Details
Departamenti i Emisionit Përpunues fondesh 14.01.2025 28.01.2025 Details
Departamenti i Sigurimit dhe Mbrojtjes Vëzhgues të qendrave operatore 14.01.2025 28.01.2025 Details