Financial and economic education
Nowadays, the financial literacy has become a necessity, taking into consideration not only the level of economic, banking and technological development, but also the importance and significance of information in today's global setting. Such literacy helps consumers, producers and investors to make good financial decision and at the same time it helps the central bank to reach more easily its target of achieving and maintaining price stability.
In January 2024, the Bank of Albania approved the Strategy for Financial Education and Inclusion, marking the first institutional document aimed at promoting financial education to foster financial inclusion, well-being, and resilience.
This Strategy builds on the Bank of Albania's multi-year existing efforts in the field of financial education. The mission of Strategy is to ensure that individuals in Albania acquire the knowledge, develop the skills, adopt the attitudes, and foster the appropriate, accurate, and actionable behaviors that enable them to make well-informed financial decisions, with the ultimate goal of enhancing their well-being and financial resilience.