Museum of the Bank of Albania - Temporary exhibition ''Gjergj Kastriot Skanderbeg featured in Albanian coins and banknotes''

Publication date: 18.01.2018


The Museum of the Bank of Albania presents "Gjergj Kastriot Skanderbeg on the Albanian coin and banknote" a temporary exhibition in memoriam of the 550th anniversary of the death of the National Hero- Gjergj Kastriot Skanderbeg.

This exhibition opened on 17 January 2018, in the framework of the Year of Skanderbeg, which commemorates and celebrates our Hero.

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The Museum of the Bank of Albania dedicates the exhibition to the figure of Skanderbeg, featured in the Albanian coins and banknotes from 1921 to 1926. It also highlights various features in issuing of these banknotes and coins.

The exhibition shows that the portrait of Skanderbeg is the most featured one in the Albania currency in a time span of almost 100 years. Like in the period of the Albanian National Awakening, his figure remains an inspiration for the Albanian people.

The Bank of Albania opened the doors of its museum and welcomed representatives of the media, banking system, education, art and culture as well as numismatists and collectors.

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The temporary exhibition will stay open in the coming months. In addition to it, the visitors will have the opportunity of visit the main exhibition of the Museum of the Bank of Albania, seen as a centre of education about the Albania’s monetary and financial history from the ancient times to present day.
