Press Release
Bank of Albania’s Supervisory Council members hold informative meeting
Publication date: 07.12.2018
On 7 December 2018, the Governor of the Bank of Albania, Mr Gent Sejko, in the capacity of the Chairman of the Supervisory Council, and the Second Deputy Governor, Mrs Natasha Ahmetaj, and Mr Tonin Kola, as members of the Supervisory Council of the Bank of Albania, held an informative meeting with regard to the day-to-day functioning and operational business of the Bank of Albania.
The meeting focused on the latest economic and monetary developments in Albania, and on the following information: (i) the administration and activity of the Bank of Albania; (ii) the implementation of the monetary policy; (iii) the situation of the banking and financial system; and (iv) the situation in the money and foreign exchange markets.
The analysis of banking system for 2018 Q3 was presented showing that over this period: the banking activity expanded; financial performance remains good; and the banking system remains well capitalised and liquid. Outstanding credit increased slightly, while non-performing loans ratio fell both from the previous quarter and from the previous year. Stress test results, overall, show that in both baseline and moderate scenarios, the capitalisation indicators are stable.
No decisions were taken in this meeting. The scheduled issues, which require a decision, will be addressed in the next meetings, when the composition of the Supervisory Council of the Bank of Albania will have the necessary number of members to hold meetings and take the relevant decisions.