Decisions by the Supervisory Council, 4 August 2021

Publication date: 04.08.2021


On 4 August 2021, in addition to the decision to keep the policy rate unchanged, at 0.5%, and the overnight deposit and the overnight lending rates unchanged, at 0.1% and 0.9%,  respectively, the Supervisory Council of the Bank of Albania reviewed and decided to:

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  • Approve one amendment to the Regulation “On Consolidated Supervision”

Pursuant to this Decision, the amendment to this Regulation, adopted with the Decision 54/2020, shall enter into force on 1 January 2022. This amendment aims at ensuring the consistency related to the entry into force date of the previous amendments to this Regulation with the entry into force term of the amendments to the Regulation “On risk management from large exposures of banks: and provide to provide banks with the necessary time to adapt to the reporting systems of large exposures on consolidated basis.

  • Approve the Regulation “ On medals and tokens similar to euro coins”

This Regulation lays down the technical criteria to be met for the production, import, sale, and/or distribution of medals and tokens similar to euro coins, provided that there is no risk of the public mistaking the reproductions for genuine euro coins. 

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  • Approve the Regulation “On the criteria for the reproduction of banknotes and/or coins in the Republic of Albania”

The aim of this Regulation is to lay down the technical criteria to be met for the reproduction of the image of banknotes and /or coins in the Republic of Albania for trade promotion purposes and different activities, and the prohibition of reproductions, provided that there is no risk of the public mistaking the reproductions for genuine banknotes/coins.

Both regulations are drafted for the further alignment of the Albanian legislation with the EU acquis.

The Supervisory Council was also informed on daily functional and operational activities of the Bank of Albania.