Governor Sejko attends "Singapore-Albania Trade & Investment Forum 2017"
Publication date: 18.01.2017
On 18 January 2017, the Governor of the Bank of Albania, Mr Gent Sejko, attended 'Singapore-Albania Trade&Investment Forum 2017'. The Forum was aimed at evoking potential investors' interest in Albania. Albania was represented in this Forum by a high-level delegation led by Prime Minister Rama. In addition, several members of the government, representatives from the Albanian Association of Banks, the Director of the Albanian Investment Development Agency (AIDA), and representatives of the business community attended.
In this Forum, Governor Sejko presented an overview of the macroeconomic situation in Albania. He highlighted that, despite the recent challenging situation in our key trading partners, Albania has shown clear signs of improvement, such as the upward trend of economic growth. Also, the general economic environment provides opportunities for the increase in productivity of foreign investments in Albania. The combination of the accommodative monetary policy with the fiscal policy consolidation has contributed to the sustainability of the country's macroeconomic balances.
Then Governor Sejko focused on the developments in the financial sector in Albania. He said that the Bank of Albania has undertaken significant reforms, which aim to improve the financial access in the economy, by minimizing the sector risks and promoting the increase of financing to the economy. In the last years, Albania has distinguished itself for its financial stability. The banking sector is a key promoter to this situation and its capitalization, liquidity and financial soundness are highly favourable and offer plentiful opportunities to do business.
In conclusion, Governor Sejko highlighted once again the advantages of the financial sector in Albania, like the low costs of financing thanks to a stable financial environment, the ample liquidity of the banking sector which is capable of supporting the financial needs for investments, as well as the real potential for new players in the market. These characteristics turn Albania into a destination with competitive advantages in the region and provide excellent opportunities for the investors, as well as for an economic collaboration between the two countries in the future.
Governor Sejko was also part of the Albanian delegation invited by Singapore's PM Lee Hsien Loong attending an official meeting with PM Loong, during the delegation's visit to Singapore.