''Real Value of Money” competition took place with the students of high schools of the capital city. 25-26 May, 2009
Publication date: 26.05.2009
'Real Value of Money 'competition was run with the students of Tirana high schools on 25-26 may 2009.
Bank of Albania aims, through this challenge, to deepen the knowledge of students on the Central Bank and on its monetary policy, by transmitting in an entertaining way, a real economic and financial culture targeted for this age-group.
25 high schools of the capital city confronted each other in this competition, which was held in the hall of the Bank of Albania, before a panel of judges, consisting of directors of the Bank of Albania.
'Tirana Jonë' high school was announced the winning team of this challenge.
The successful teams of this competition, which was previously held in Vlora, Shkodra, Korça, Gjirokastra, and now in Tirana, shall compete in the final phase, at national level that will take place in the capital city.