Decisions by the Supervisory Council, 2 August 2023

Publication date: 02.08.2023


On 2 August 2023, in addition to the decision to keep the key interest rate unchanged  at 3.00%, as well as the overnight deposit and overnight loan rates at the Bank of Albania at 2.00% and 4.00%, respectively,  the Supervisory Council of the Bank of Albania reviewed and decided to:

  • Approve amendments  to the Regulations “On capital adequacy” and “On consolidated supervision”

These amendments aim to review the reporting templates of banks, which serve to calculate the capital requirements (COREP), both on individual and consolidated basis.  Amendments to the Regulation “On capital adequacy” consist in reviewing the reporting templates on individual basis, as referred to in Annex 7 of the Regulation, regarding capital requirements on credit risk and market risk as well as exposures in securisations, along with the methodologic guidelines to fill in these templates. These amendmnts are also reflected in teh same manner in the COREP reporting templates on consolidated basis, stipulated in Annex 3 of the Regulation “On consolidated supervision”.

  • Repeal of the Regulation “On the calculation of fixed interest rates in the interbank market of money”

Based on this decision hereby, the Bank of Albania will stop the calculation and publication of TRIBID/TRIBOR rates after 31.7.2024, because these rates are calculated based on banks' quotations and not on concrete actions of the interbank market.

Also, the Supervisory Council reviewed additional information related to the daily operational and functional activities of the Bank of Albania.