Monetary Policy Statement for the second half of 2008

Author: Monetary Policy Departament
Printed on: 18.02.2009
Production date: 18.02.2009
Material category : Periodic Publications / 6-month Monetary Policy Declaration
World economy and the financial system in particular were severely hit in the second half of 2008. The crisis which struck the heart of the global financial system was progressively and relentlessly transmitted to the economic activity of advanced economies leading some of the latter into recession. The Albanian economy has been resilient amid this hitting wave. According to the available official data and judging upon a number of indirect indicators, the Bank of Albania notes that the economic activity throughout the year has by and large performed in line with the early 2008 projections both in terms of economic growth and preservation of macroeconomic balances. The Bank of Albania in particular has met its primary objective mandated by law, contributing to the maintenance of price stability. Average annual inflation rate marked 3.4 percent, which is close to the central bank’s objective. ...