Central Bank

25 Years of Modern Central Banking in Albania: Facts and Figures

What is a report on the borrower?
The report on the borrower is a document generated by the Credit Registry which is the Report on the Borrower. This report contains data/information on the borrower's identity and its credit situation in the banking and financial systems. The report on the borrower is issued at the Bank of Albania after the application for a loan by a natural or judicial person. The lending entity while analysing/examining the application for a loan, requires information for any applicants at the Credit Registry and reads the relevant report on the borrower.

Albanian banknotes historical symbols
The banknotes of a country are part of its national identity. The Bank of Albania is the only issuer of the Albanian banknotes and coins and it has chosen to pursue the concept of reflecting historical periods through the portraits of icon personalities printed on the current series of banknotes. This brochure will acquaint you with the personalities who are now an image of the Albanian currency as well as with the symbolism that accompanies each of the banknotes that are currently in circulation.

7 short lessons on money
Nowadays the relationship with money starts ate the early age, since this moment it arises the need to have the foundations of a financial education. To accompany the first experiences of the little readers with knowledge, the Bank of Albania has specifically prepared a short and simple summary on the history and functions of money. On the other hand, the lessons on money introduce the characteristics of banknotes and coins, legal tender, the security features of different denomination and some advices to maintain them.

Bank of Albania - Our central bank
This brochure introduces the Bank of Albania to the public at large, by providing an overall background of the history, structure and functions of the central bank. . The answers to questions, such as: How does the Bank of Albania achieve its price stability objective?, or, What is its contribution to the country’s economic development and welfare through its policies?, and to other related questions, will be all provided in this brochure This brochure was reprinted in 2010.

Education - The new challenge of the Bank of Albania
The Treasury bill of the Albanian government is a marketable debt instrument with a maturity up to one year issued and guaranteed by the Government of the Republic of Albania. To better know this instrument, the participation procedures in teh auction of treasury bills and priorities that this form of investment provides, please read this brochure.

Payments system
In order to have the products or services we need, we all know that we have to transfer an amount of money to the seller, or in other words to make a payment. This brochure introduces us to the different payment instruments and the Albanian system of payments, which acts as a “lubricant” to their movements, providing the arteries for the development of markets and other economic activities at home.

Bank of Albania’s monetary policy instruments and procedures for their execution
This brochure describes the operational framework of the Bank of Albania and the way it functions. A reprint of an older edition, it tries to explain in greater detail and a simpler language the way how this framework functions and is regulated.

The Building of the Bank of Albania
This brochure describes the Bank of Albania’s 70-year-old building; the story of its construction; life and work of the architect who designed it. Located in the centre of Tirana, it is one of the symbolic buildings of the capital. Soon, the building will undergo an overall reconstruction and renovation, to transform it into a more suitable and comfortable working environment for the staff of the Bank, while respecting its identity and its architectural values.

ABCs of interest rates
What are interest rates and why do they increase or decrease? When is the right moment to invest, save and take a loan? This brochure provides answers to these questions, whosing the impact of interest rates on the people’s lives. Furthermore, by affecting the economic decisions of various economic agents, the interest rates serve as a determining factor towards the overall level of investments in the economy.

Waiting for the Credit Registry
While waiting for the first Credit Registry in Albania, this brochure, explains to the public what a credit registry is, the way it functions, and the information it contains. It also shows the necessity for a Credit Registry given the current situation in the country.

What is price stability for you?
This brochure describes price stability in simple and detailed words and its importance for a country’s economy. It shows examples from everyday life. The brochure explains the concepts of inflation and deflation, and the complications they bring in everybody’s life.

Inflation: What should we know about it?
Understanding inflation and its consequences does not require specific knowledge on economic theories. Simply put, it means that when money abounds, prices go up.

Payments system
For the first time it intends to present in simple terms the payment instruments, what a payment system is, and its components. Also, this brochure provides an overview of our payment system and Bank of Albania’s role in this system. It is published only in Albanian.
A separate leaflet in both Albanian and English highlights what the payment system represents in Albania, the degree of its development and the role of the Bank of Albania in this system.