Survey report on the use of payment instruments - individuals

Author: Kliti Ceca, Alban Pllaha, Valentina Semi
Printed on: 06.05.2013
Production date: 06.05.2013
Material category : Not Periodic Publications / Working Papers
A survey with 200 individuals was conducted, during February - March 2012, in the framework of estimating the usage of payment instruments and the responses are analysed. The survey took place in Tirana–Durrës area with the highest concentration of population and banking transactions as well. The study is based on a public survey. It reflects the evaluations of respondents about the questions they were exposed. The main findings of the survey consist on: a considerable development of banking instruments usage compared to some years earlier; support to the Bank of Albania’s projects related to financial literacy; the deepening of financial literacy and turning it into a general culture; monitoring of public financial literacy; a deeper perception of issues on transparency about the usage of payment instruments.